2021 Century Club

A thank you for 2021 Century Club members. "Thank you for serving up volunteerism in 2021!"

The Royal Neighbors Century Club program began in 2018 to honor employees making a big impact in their communities. Employees that report 100+ volunteer hours in a single year are inducted into the Century Club. In 2021, hours reported by these individuals ranged from 100 to 532 hours.

Congratulations to the following Royal Neighbors employees inducted into the Century Club in 2021!

Lela Bieri
Amber Bowers
Mike Davis
David Decker
Amy Finn
Beth Ann Fox
Stephanie Haarmann
Amy Jones
Scott Kelty
Raja Krishnamurthy
Carrie Mail
Darcy Smith
Matt Stoefen
Curt Zeck

Inductees received a hand-carved wooden spoon from The Wild Cherry Spoon Company in Moline, IL with the following message to thank them for their dedication to our mission. “Thank you for serving up volunteerism in 2021.” The note also included a recipe from the 1994 Royal Neighbors cookbook.