Term life insurance is designed to replace income and can help cover everyday expenses like housing or childcare. Whole life insurance is designed for permanent coverage and will build a cash value. But, which type might be right for you?
The answer may be both.
A combination of Jet Term Life and Jet Whole Life insurance certificates1 from Royal Neighbors can provide a comprehensive solution. And, you are able to receive cost-effective coverage on the same day you apply.
Learn more about our insurance products:
- Call your Royal Neighbors agent
- Call us at (866) 845-6665
- Email us at insure@royalneighbors.org
Certificate issue is based on your health and other factors affecting your insurability. Form Series 1611 (Jet Term) and 1811 (Jet Whole Life) underwritten by Royal Neighbors of America. Not available in all states. Contractual provisions and limitations may vary by state.
TRN00001; Rev. 1-2020