Invest in your physical and emotional well-being with these lifestyle and health tips.
Invest in your physical and emotional well-being with these lifestyle and health tips.
Keep you and your friends safe on social media by following these tips.
Heart disease is the number one killer of women, and any women is susceptible. Educating yourself is the first step to taking control of your heart health.
Giving back boosts a community, but it also benefits you. Your generosity can make you feel happier, healthier, and more connected every time you give.
As early as 1926, we began to publish a column each month in The Royal Neighbor called “Health is Wealth”. Excerpts from the pages of the past prove that the more things change, the more they stay the same!
January is upon us, unleashing a desire to slip under the covers and stay there. Tempting as cocooning may be, the best defense against those dark-day blues is to take a page from your pre-holiday playbook and keep yourself engaged.
No matter your goal, creating positive change in your life—big or small—isn’t easy. But there are actions you can take and exercises you can practice that can help give you the strength to persevere through a challenge.
Nothing ruins a summer vacation faster than getting sick, losing your wallet or being scammed. No matter what you have planned this year, stay safe with these travel tips.
If you’ve always considered meditation a bit out of your realm, you might want to think again. That brief pause from the stress of the day can leave you refreshed, revived, and clear-headed.
The verdict is in: a daily dose of exercise is your best prescription for better health. Fortunately, you can reap the benefits without purchasing special equipment, joining a gym, or even breaking a sweat; all it takes is a brisk walk.