2023 Century Club

Chapter Leaders of Royal Neighbors Chapter 20003

The Royal Neighbors Century Club program began in 2018 to honor employees making a big impact in their communities. Employees that report 100 or more volunteer hours in a single year are inducted into the Century Club.

In 2023, hours reported by these individuals ranged from 100 to 510 volunteer hours. Employees gave back to their communities in a variety of ways including coaching youth sports, volunteering with local nonprofits, serving on a Board, attending chapter meetings and activities, supporting schools and churches, and helping their neighbors!

Congratulations to the following Royal Neighbors employees inducted into the Century Club in 2023!

Kristine Adams
Robert Astleford
Angie Bardsley
Jason Best
Lela Bieri
Amber Bowers
Rebecca Cavanaugh
Juliet Christenson
Mike Davis
David Decker
Chris Geerts
Emilie Gustafson
Stephanie Haarmann
Melanie Handlon
Karen Hayes
Shavonda House
Jeffrey Hugus
Kinzie Hull
Angie Johnson
Amy Jones
Raja Krishnamurthy
Ann Lembke
Carrie Mail
Forrest Miller
Ursula Miniter
Zarifa Reynolds
Mark Seier
Darcy Smith
Rachel Stahle
Karen Stirn
Matt Stoefen
Melbourne Williams
Marie Ziegler
Lauren Ziller