Feeling Stuck? 5 Ways to Get Motivated

Young woman holding coffee, relaxing in a big white window.

Feeling stuck and unmotivated (especially when there are so many demands on your time) can happen to anyone.

Below are five simple things you can do to break free from feeling stuck.

  1. Take a break
  2. Start small
  3. Engage in positive, unrelated actions
  4. Change your perspective
  5. Lose the guilt

Take a break
Taking a break may seem like a counterintuitive way to increase motivation, but it’s not. Something as simple as eating a healthy snack, going for a brisk walk, taking a shower, or even drinking a glass of water can have an immediate and revitalizing effect.

Start small
When you’re feeling stuck, the hardest part is getting started. This is often because the enormity of the task feels so overwhelming that you don’t know where to begin. This is where starting small comes in. Lower the bar. Here’s an example. Revise your plan from working out for an hour to exercising for 15 minutes. Chances are good that once you begin your routine you will not only reach your modified goal, you will exceed it.

Engage in positive, unrelated actions
Cleaning out the junk drawer in the kitchen, changing the kitty litter box, or folding the laundry instead of doing your taxes may not seem like a logical approach to increase motivation, but there is some wisdom to this tactic. Engaging in ANY positive action is better than inactivity. This is especially important for those who feel shame and guilt about their lack of drive. Even a small victory can provide a sense of accomplishment that leads to bigger and better things.

Change your perspective
Changing your perspective is easier said than done, but it is a crucial step to feeling unstuck. Instead of concentrating on the difficulty of the task, expand your vision to what CAN be done. Take a moment to imagine how good you’ll feel once the job is completed. “Giving up” is a reflection of a narrow viewpoint. It takes a creative mindset to imagine the possibilities.

Lose the guilt
Guilt is a heavy burden. It’s also a self-inflicted emotion that drains motivation and depletes your level of happiness. While people can try to lay a guilt trip on you, it’s your choice whether or not you choose to embrace it.

Obstacles are a part of life and feeling stuck happens to everyone at times. The key lies in perseverance and trusting that the effort will lead to rewarding results. We hope our tips provide some guidance and inspiration along the way.