Top Chapters Share What It Means to Be a Royal Neighbor

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Every Royal Neighbors Member represents an impactful mission to build stronger communities. These Top 10 Chapters* honor this legacy every day with their dedication to making a difference where they live, work, and grow their families.

As Royal Neighbors, they leverage their Membership by inspiring impact as a nation of communities and a nation of neighbors, driven by the importance of serving others.

1. Chapter 20196, Seminole, Florida • 16,381 hours
“Our Members know that everything we do helps to save another furry life! Our volunteers work in many capacities. They are the lifeblood of our organization!” – Andria Gibbon

2. Chapter 20184, Seminole, Florida • 6,267 hours
“It is our church’s mission to reach out into the community in increasing measures each year. Our vision is for outreach into the community rather than programming simply within the church. This is “who” we are: we are Missionaries. Our Members know who they are, and they rise to serve.” – Toni Eldred

3. Chapter 20187, Sherrard, Illinois • 5,354 hours
“We keep inviting more people to join our chapter and share the wonderful benefits of having a Royal Neighbors chapter. We hope to keep providing funds and labor to the equine-assisted services program we support which empowers children and adults facing challenges to create active, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.” – Christine Engebrecht

4. Chapter 1491, New Bedford, Illinois • 4,657 hours
“We are here to serve our neighbors and communities. As the only organization in our rural area to render any assistance to our community, our small but mighty team helps local food pantries, nursing homes, the Veterans home, youth group, and more.” – Joanne Nelson

5. Chapter 5146, Grasston, Minnesota • 4,538 hours
“What motivates us…? The satisfaction to know the joy and happiness our projects give the recipients as well as the great times we have working and visiting together.” – Bernadine Damann

6. Chapter 20210
East Brunswick, New Jersey
4,440 hours

7. Chapter 20139
Phoenix, Arizona
3,580 hours

8. Chapter 7072
Guthrie Center, Iowa
3,482 hours

9. Chapter 20048
Rock Island, Illinois
3,463 hours

10. Chapter 20217
Valrico, Florida
3,301 hours

* Chapters are rated as Top Ten based on the recorded & submitted volunteer hours in 2021.

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