Inspiring Change Through Opportunity

Chapter 20212 youth members selling items at a fundraising event.

President of Chapter 20212, Lisa M. McNulty, is dedicated to making a difference in her South Memphis, Tennessee community. “I love people,” said Lisa, “and I love seeing others succeed.”

Chapter 20212 has 12 active Members and another 30 community members that help with activities and events. Chapter Members meet weekly to discuss upcoming activities and brainstorm new ideas. “I am blessed with friends that support every idea I have, and I would do anything for them to show my sincere gratitude for their efforts,” said Lisa.

The chapter collaborates with Pillow Street CME Church to host activities that provide a positive and empowering environment for children in the community. Thanks to the dedication of community members and the congregation, children in the neighborhood have the opportunity to participate in holiday crafts, art projects, random acts of kindness, cupcake birthday parties, and a fall festival within walking distance from their homes.

Chapter 20212 collaborates with the local school to help provide children with everything they need to focus on their education. The teachers consistently communicate with their students regarding their needs, and the school counselor shares urgent needs with the chapter. “We believe it’s important to give children equal footing to start each school day,” said Lisa. “From school supplies to personal care items – we are willing to assist any way we can!”

In 2021, Chapter 20212 used the Difference Maker Fund to provide hundreds of personal hygiene items to local children. The chapter used the funds to purchase mouthwash, lip balm, hand sanitizer, and feminine products. “We want to instill confidence in our youngest community members,” said Lisa. “They must have access to essential personal hygiene items to succeed.”

During the pandemic, Chapter Members assisted in distributing free meals five days a week with food from a program through Pillow Street Church. Lisa hopes to offer a similar program for the community permanently. “Our South Memphis neighborhood has been labeled a food desert,” said Lisa. “We are all working together to impact one of our community’s greatest needs,” added Lisa.

Lisa’s favorite volunteer activity is inspiring youth and introducing them to new experiences. The  chapter often funds first-time experiences for children in the community. Their first time at a ballet or first time in a luxury bus can lead to new possibilities. “A child won’t dream it if they don’t know it exists,” said Lisa. “We want children to dream without limits.”

Lisa’s generosity and kindness have been evident her entire life, but beginning a chapter has multiplied her reach and resources. “Being a Royal Neighbors Member means opportunity to me,” said Lisa. “Our chapter creates an opportunity for us to make a bigger impact in our community and allows us to create more opportunities for others.”

Royal Neighbors is grateful for Members like Lisa and all her friends that come together to strengthen a community and inspire hope for future generations.