2024 RoyalConnect Recipient

Empower House

RoyalConnect Recipient Empower House

Empower House was selected as the March 2024 RoyalConnect recipient. Thanks to the kindness of neighbors nationwide, the organization received $4,000 to support its mission.

RoyalConnect is a monthly program designed to connect the community to our mission of empowering women and serving communities through small acts of kindness. It is an opportunity for everyone to spread kindness in their communities while simultaneously helping a nonprofit organization.

“Kindness is contagious, and we see that at Empower House daily,” said co-founder of Empower House Missey Heinrichs. “When someone is having a rough day, a smile and encouragement are shared with them – and then they are inspired to share a smile with the next person! It’s a ripple effect!”

Empower House is a clubhouse-style facility for brain injury patients to find community and engage in meaningful work that encourages productivity, learning, and teamwork.

“Our days at Empower House are filled with kindness demonstrated by our staff and members,” shared Missey. “Our members show the utmost kindness to each other when teaching another member something new and being each other’s biggest cheerleader when things are tough.”

“We were excited to be a part of the RoyalConnect program and promote spreading kindness in our community,” shared Missey. “The funds were used for daily operations to help us keep our costs lower for our members to attend. No one is ever turned away for the inability to pay.”

Join us this month as we support another great organization! For every person who shares their participation with us, we will donate $10, up to $4,000, to the selected nonprofit. A new nonprofit is selected each month from previous Nation of Neighbors℠ award recipients.