Zarifa’s Southern Collard Greens

Zarifa's Southern Collard Greens, with photo of a smiling woman cooking, collard greens faded in background, and a quote from the magazine article.

Our Favorite Holiday Recipe… Nothing brings people together quite like the warmth of the kitchen during the holidays. One dish that’s been a staple in our home during this season is Southern Collard Greens. This recipe, passed down through generations, has become more than just a family favorite; it’s a symbol of the laughter, stories, and moments we’ve shared around the table. I hope this recipe brings a little of that same warmth and togetherness to your home this holiday season.

From the kitchen of Zarifa Reynolds

Bunch of large collard greens
1 small onion
1 small bell pepper
1 small red pepper
Smoked turkey wings
1 Tbsp. of butter
1 qt. of chicken broth
1 cup of water
1 tsp. vinegar
½ tsp. of collard green seasoning
½ tsp. Lawry’s seasoning salt
½ tsp. of black pepper

Take the stem from the greens, cut greens, and wash them thoroughly. Dice the onions and peppers. Cut up the smoked turkey. In a skillet, first add the butter, then add the smoked turkey, onion, pepper, and seasonings (seasoning salt, black pepper, and collard green seasoning). Sauté until the ingredients are light brown. In a large pot, pour the chicken broth and water. Add the collard greens. Add the sautéed ingredients. Add the vinegar. Add additional seasonings to taste. Cook on low heat for 2-3 hours.

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